
I’m Ye Tian (田野), a graduate(master) student at Peking University. My research interests mainly focus on AI-Generated Visual Content (AIGC), multi-modal LLM and GNNs. I received my bachelor’s degree from Peking University, majoring in computer science at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering.

I work closely with Prof. Bin Cui and Ph.D. Ling Yang. I’m currently a research intern at KwaiVGI, Kuaishou Techology, in collabration with talents building Kling

I am actively pursuing full-time positions as well as Ph.D. positions in cutting-edge visual diffusion models

Selected Publications

VideoTetris: VideoTetris: Towards Compositional Text-To-Video Generation
Ye Tian, Ling Yang*, Haotian Yang,Yuan Gao, Yufan Deng, Jingmin Chen, Xintao Wang, Zhaochen Yu, Xin Tao,Pengfei Wan,Di Zhang, Bin Cui [Project Page] [arXiv] [Code]

VQGraph: Rethinking Graph Representation Space for Bridging GNNs and MLPs Ling Yang, Ye Tian (equal contribution), Minkai Xu,Zhongyi Liu,Shenda Hong, Wei Qu,Wentao Zhang,Bin Cui,Muhan Zhang, Jure Leskovec International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024. [Paper][Code]